Sustainable Investment Review Q2 2024 - Progress towards transition


Vi är glada över att kunna dela vår senaste kvartalsvisa Sustainable Investment Review för andra kvartalet 2024. Här kan du ta en närmare titt på vårt hållbarhetsarbete, som omfattar investeringar, aktivt ägande och exkluderingar.

Mer än någonsin är vi fast beslutna att spela vår roll i omställningen: minska koldioxidutsläppen i ekonomin, skydda den biologiska mångfalden och stödja en tillväxt för alla. Vi är aktiva inom ett brett spektrum av områden, som alla är inriktade på att hjälpa oss uppnå våra hållbarhetsåtaganden. I rapporten kan du läsa mer om vårt arbete för att bidra i hållbarhetsomställningen.

Summering på engelska av kvartalets rapport 

In our latest quarterly sustainable investment review you will get a closer look at our sustainability efforts, spanning investment, active ownership and exclusions. More than ever, we’re determined to play our role in the transition: decarbonizing the economy, protecting biodiversity and supporting inclusive growth. As such, we are active on a wide range of areas, all of which are targeted towards helping us achieve our sustainability commitments.

We have advanced significantly towards our 2025 climate targets. On the interconnected topic of deforestation, our Senior Sustainability Analyst Vemund Olsen provides a summary of a deforestation risk exposure screening that we have conducted across our portfolios. Exercising various aspects of voting rights, such as shareholder resolutions, is increasingly a major escalation tool that we employ if needed in our engagement efforts.

There has been positive news on a number of engagements, and in this report, we provide short updates on some examples at Yara and Bunge SA. Our engagements remain ongoing on many fronts, such as with companies on aligning climate strategies with the ParisAgreement for scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions; on humanrights related to conflict areas, workers’ rights and living wages; and many other bilateral and collaborative activities. We also provide some updates regarding internal developments on our climate targets.


For a peek into our work on directing capital towards sustainable investments, the report features Portfolio Manager Sunniva Bratt Slette’s insights from her site visit to the Construction City project in Oslo.

We also have news on our major step to increase our ownership in the Danish infrastructure fund manager AIP Management. This move furthers our commitment to this asset class that is highly relevant to investments in the transition towards sustainable societies.

With the COP16 biodiversity conference coming up soon, our Head of Climate and Environment Emine Isciel offers some views on closing the global biodiversity funding gap.

You can also read in this quarter’s report about the newly published Net-Zero Investment Framework (NZIF) 2.0 from the IIGCC. NZIF, the most widely used net-zero guidance by investors, assembles the latest thinking and guidance in a single source, and will undoubtedly continue to play an important role in our netzero journey to 2030.

Till rapporten: Sustainable Investment Review Q2 2024